Bärbel Smith
Bärbel Smith
Bärbel is a Canadian by heart and German born. Growing up she spent numerous hours with her sketch book and paints capturing the lakes and forests of rural Ontario .
Later she moved to Calgary, spending many summers in BC interior, as she received her training at Alberta University of the Arts. Traveling from coast to coast has allowed her to capture…
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Bärbel Smith
Artistic Biography:
Bärbel is a Canadian by heart and German born. Growing up she spent numerous hours with her sketch book and paints capturing the lakes and forests of rural Ontario.
Later she moved to Calgary, spending many summers in BC interior, as she received her training at Alberta University of the Arts. Traveling from coast to coast has allowed her to capture the Canadian landscape in her emotive paintings, infusing her art with a joyous and peaceful vision.
She is a juried signature member of two national art organizations and her extensive body of work is in private and corporate collections throughout Canada, the US and Germany. Currently she resides with her hubby of 45 years near Green Valley, Ontario, surrounded by forests where she paints full time.
Artist’s Statement:
My subject matter is the Canadian landscape and my method is smoothly applied paint . I strive to see beyond the busy surface of things and capture the light, colours and shapes of this numinous land. While each painting may be inspired by on-site plein-air studies, sketches, and my reference photos; the final result pushes the boundaries to something more abstract, dreamy and more spiritual; as if I am painting the soul of the landscape.
Painting is a form of communication for me, communication between heaven and earth. A way for my soul to reach out and touch the immortal; to catch a fleeting glimpse of God. Each body of work becomes an adventure where I can re-unite with creation and my own immortal being.