Madison Hart
Madison Hart
Madison Hart began exhibiting her work professionally in 1992. In 1993, one of her paintings won a “B.C. Festival of the arts” Award of Excellence. Since that time, her art has been featured in numerous shows, in both public and private galleries.
Listed on the Government of Canada “Canadian Heritage Information Network”, as well as in the “Biennial Guide to Canadian Artists in Galleries”, Madison Hart is a well-known and highly respected artist. She has also been featured in numerous publications, including the Canadian art magazine “Magazin’Art”, on the cover of…
Madison Hart
Madison Hart began exhibiting her work professionally in 1992. In 1993, one of her paintings won a “B.C. Festival of the arts” Award of Excellence. Since that time, her art has been featured in numerous shows, in both public and private galleries.
Listed on the Government of Canada “Canadian Heritage Information Network”, as well as in the “Biennial Guide to Canadian Artists in Galleries”, Madison Hart is a well-known and highly respected artist. She has also been featured in numerous publications, including the Canadian art magazine “Magazin’Art”, on the cover of “B.C. Wine Country” magazine, and most recently in the luxurious Art and Architecture publication “Arabella”
Madison Hart’s creative outlook has developed on a spiritual plane one the years. She now paints what she feels, not what she sees; each piece a colourful narrative filled with surprises. Houses, trees, gardens, toads…every element symbolizes the journey of life guide by faith, fate and lessons learned. Her work is positive and uplifting, each painting bringing happiness to those who view them. —Brett Anningson, Arabella Magazine.
Madison’s paintings are like her garden, you can walk through them time after time and there’s always something new to discover! —Richard Waugh & Nina Nechrporuk, Magazin’Art.
Madison says she has always been driven by her creative energy and it’s clear from her wonderfully unique and charming paintings that it’s time well spent! —J. More, Canadian Living.
Over the years Madison’s work has evolved from realism to what she now refers to as Expressionism. Her paintings are bold and colourful; exuding a contagious energy and joy that clearly reflects her inner being. —Sandra Hogarth, Artist Agent
“For me, every painting tells a story, each canvas represents my thoughts, ideas, emotions, and experiences. But that’s just the beginning. When my work is purchased from a gallery, it becomes a different story. Now the painting also represents the owners’ feelings and memories, the magical combination of creativity and appreciation energizing it in a whole new way. My greatest joy comes from hearing the continuing narratives from the collectors of my work.”